Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 10055
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $0

UPDATE: In FY 2009, based on recommendations from the Prevention Technical Working Group, the PEPFAR South Africa reprogrammed over 30% of the prevention portfolio and developed immediate, mid and long-term directions for a strategic focus to address gaps related to specific areas of sexual prevention. One such gap was South Africa's efforts to address persons most at risk for HIV including sex workers and men who have sex with men. Funds for this TBD were ear-marked in FY 2007 to strengthen services for most at risk populations (MARPs) were never awarded. The PEPFAR Prevention team intends to program the accumulation of unspent funds in FY 2010.

Using the results of the program inventory and the UNAIDS and World Bank supported Know Your Epidemic/Know Your Response effort, the PEPFAR Prevention team will review prevention programs for MARPs to help identify best and promising practices and help provincial governments use the information for a more evidence-based approach to targeting and scaling-up prevention activities for most at risk populations.

PEPFAR South Africa will work closely with prevention partners currently working with these vulnerable populations to improve coordination and enhance synergies and coverage of best practices for MARPs. The current activities with commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men (MSM) will be progressively intensified and improved to ensure that all programs are providing the essential package of interventions for these vulnerable populations. Funds for this TBD will be used to implement the activities as indicated in FY 2009. Potential activity areas may include capacity building for service provision at

various levels, technical assistance to SAG, and a mapping exercise to identify geographic areas and the size of most at-risk groups in South Africa for proper planning and implementation of services.



As part of an integrated approach addressing most at risk populations, this activity focuses on the development of a strategic and systematic framework to deliver HIV prevention to persons who are most at-risk for HIV. Groups that are acknowledged to be MARPs in South Africa, even within a generalized epidemic, are: migrant populations, persons engaging in commercial and transactional sex, MSM, members of the uniformed services and persons working along transport corridors. This activity aims to develop a strategic and systematic framework to deliver HIV prevention messages to these target groups and strengthen access to providers that offer the minimum package of services. In addition, funding will be used to facilitate the development of national referral networks and linkages focusing on HIV counseling and testing, behavior change interventions and referral to treatment, care and support services for sex workers and their partners, men who have sex with men (MSMs), and drug and alcohol abusing populations of South Africa. The major emphasis area for this activity is the development of a systematic framework that ensures access to the minimum package of services as well as best and promising practices. Minor emphasis areas include community mobilization/participation; development of networks, linkages and referrals and information, education and communication. The target population is most at-risk groups, including sex workers, MSM, substance abusing populations, including alcohol, and migrant workers.


Although this activity appeared in the FY 2007 COP, activities have not yet been implemented. Detailed scope of the activity is to be determined once results of the program inventory and the Know Your Epidemic/Know Your Response assessment are completed. The unspent funds will be used to conduct a mapping activity that will provide additional qualitative information, mapping and size estimates to inform program design and measure coverage, capacity building for service provision at various levels, and technical assistance to SAG.

ACTIVITY 1: Mapping & Size Estimation

A portion of the funds will be used to conduct a mapping exercise of persons who are most at risk. The purpose of this mapping exercise is to identify specific needs for most at risk groups both in terms of

geographic hot spots and magnitude of key groups. This will be an important entry point to engaging existing partners as well as new partners to expand their work with these populations which often requires distinct approaches.

ACTIVITY 2: Development of a systematic framework

In collaboration with other donors, the National and Provincial Department of Health, and non- governmental organizations (NGOs), funds will be used to identify gaps in delivery of HIV prevention to most at risk populations. The identification of gaps will be based on findings from the program inventory survey, the Know Your Epidemic/Know Your Response assessment, and the mapping exercise above. A national plan that addresses challenges in implementation of HIV prevention to at risk populations will be developed. The framework will focus on the implementation of a minimum package of services including behavior change interventions, and the development of networks and linkages to care and support suitable for MARPs. In order to develop the systemic framework, a national consultative forum will take place to identify groups working with MARPs. At this forum the results of the mapping activity will be presented and a comprehensive strategy focused on providing sufficient coverage of at risk populations will be developed. The consultative forum will ensure participation of government and non-government agencies in the development of a national framework for working with most at-risk groups in the context of HIV.

ACTIVITY 3: Implementation of specific interventions targeting most-at risk populations

Based on the findings of the mapping exercise (Activity 1) and the development of the systemic framework (Activity 2); funds will be used to support groups working with people most at risk for HIV. Funds will be used to expand coverage and intensify HIV prevention programs for persons engaging in commercial and transactional sex, men who have sex with men, partners of sex workers including migrant populations and persons working along transport corridors, and substance abusing populations including high-risk drinkers.

This activity will contribute PEPFAR 2-7-10 goals by preventing infections in MARPs and encouraging HIV counseling and testing, and appropriate referral to treatment, care and support services. In addition, this activity will enable the South African USG PEPFAR team to scale programs serving most at risk populations, including, but not limited to sex workers, MSM, and substance abusing populations.